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guide to buying - David Evans & Co

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Discover the Home of Your Dreams with Our Expert Team

Are you looking to buy a home in London or Kent? Our experienced team of estate agents can help you find the perfect property that fits your needs and lifestyle. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned property investor, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you every step of the way.

With our extensive network of properties, we have access to some of the best homes available in London and Kent. Our team takes the time to understand your unique needs, preferences, and budget to help you find the home of your dreams.

We know that buying a home can be a complex and overwhelming process. That’s why we’re here to guide you through every stage of the process, from property viewing to closing the deal. Our dedicated agents will provide you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions and ensure a smooth and stress-free home buying experience.

Our team has extensive experience working in the London and Kent property market, and we understand the local area, market conditions, and trends. We’ll work with you to find the right location and the right property, and we’ll help you negotiate the best price and terms.

When you choose us, you’re choosing a team of experts who will go above and beyond to help you find your dream home. With our personalized approach, exceptional customer service, and commitment to your satisfaction, we’re confident you’ll be happy with your decision to work with us So, why wait? Start your home buying journey today with our expert team, and let us help you find the home of your dreams.


Here are some questions that we are asked

Yes, of course! At David Evans, it is our job to understand your needs and preferences, and help you find properties that meet your criteria. we will use our knowledge of the local market, as well as our network of resources, to help you find the perfect property.

 The home buying process typically involves the following  finding a property, making an offer, negotiating the terms of the sale, getting a home inspection, obtaining financing, and closing the sale. we will guide you through each step of the process and provide you with the support and information you need to make informed decisions.

To make an offer on a property, you will need to provide the seller with a written proposal that includes the purchase price, closing date, and any contingencies. we will help you prepare the offer and negotiate the terms of the sale on your behalf to ensure that you get the best deal possible.

When making an offer on a property, you should consider factors such as the current market conditions, the condition of the property, and recent sales of similar properties in the area. You should also consider your budget and any contingencies, such as a home inspection or financing, that you may need to include in your offer.

After you make an offer on a property, the seller will have the option to accept, reject, or counter your offer. I will communicate with the seller’s agent and negotiate on your behalf to come to a mutually acceptable agreement. If the offer is accepted, the next steps will be to get a home inspection and move forward with the financing and closing process.